Soil Nutrient Products

To correct soil imbalance and encourage plant growth, LimePlus supplies and spreads a comprehensive range of inorganic and organic fertilisers.

These include:

  • Lime,
  • Dolomite,
  • Natural Gypsum,
  • Recycled Gypsum,
  • Poultry Manure (bulk or pelletised),
  • Feedlot manure,
  • Blended organic fertilisers
  • Compound/straight/ blended (NPK) inorganic fertilisers, 1st and 2nd grade (when available)
  • Crusher dust

Plants are unable to distinguish the source of the nutrient applied, so whether it is supplied in an organic or inorganic form is purely up to the preferences of the end user.

LimePlus … creating balance
Loading Composted Chook ManureLoading Gypsum


Lime is pulverised limestone.

Lime is a conditioner of soil and plays an important part in rectifying the three key changes occurring in Australian soil.


  • neutralises acidity,
  • replenishes humus, and
  • is calcium rich.

Ten Benefits of Lime

  1. It is a major source of calcium (Ca), an essential nutrient.
  2. It corrects acidification.
  3. It reduces aluminium (Al) and manganese (Mn) toxicities which often occur at low pH.
  4. It improves fertiliser efficiency.
  5. It influences soil micro-organisms.
  6. It improves legume nitrogen fixation.
  7. It assists in balancing nutrients.
  8. It improves soil structure and promotes worm activity.
  9. It promotes organic matter decay.
  10. It improves livestock health.
For more information about Lime please contact us.


Dolomite is very similar to limestone in nature, but is composed of calcium magnesium carbonate rather than calcium carbonate. Generally dolomite is regarded as having 8% magnesium carbonate.


Preparing for Bean Crop

Natural Gypsum (calcium sulphate Ca 22, S 17.5) is pure Gypsite, with low levels of cadmium. The calcium helps open the soil, during which time the sulphate component helps remove excess magnesium and sodium, thus stabilising the soil structure and allowing more water to penetrate the soil profile.

Recycled Gypsum (Ca 23, S 17.9) is recycled gypboard, retaining all of the elements of natural gypsum with the addition of organic carbon (paper content).


Poultry manure and other animal manures have ben used effectively as fertilisers for centuries. Poultry manure is possibly the most desirable of all the natural fertilisers due to its high nitrogen content. Besides the nitrogen content, it also supplies other essential plant nutrients while simultaneously adding organic matter to the soil. Organic matter improves the retention of moisture and nutrients in the soil.


Pasture Improvement with Lime

Compound Fertilisers are products containing 2 or more major nutrients eg. DAP and MAP, which are high in nitrogen and phosphorus.

Straight Fertilisers contain 1 of the macronutrients (NPK); nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Single superphosphate and sulphate of ammonia contain other essential nutrients such as sulphur.

Blended Fertilisers have a physical mixture (blend) of the major elements (NPK) with trace elements added when required.


Crusher dust is the dust which remains at quarries after the blue metal rock (volcanic basalt) has been crushed. The fine grit is up to 2mm in size. Crusher dust has three main advantages:

  1. It contains micronutrients – trace elements, which are not water soluble and therefore not wasted by leeching. Hence, they are available over time, with microbial action to roots.
  2. It aerates the soil for easier and increased root growth.
  3. The high pH of crusher dust helps to raise the pH level in the soil.
Contact us for all Lime/Fertiliser requirements!